Analysis Results

Requirement Result

Failed - Browser Not Supported

Our system does not support the web browser, Generic crawler 5. Please locate one of the browsers from the list below on your computer or device. If you do not have any of the browsers listed below, use the links provided to download the browser for free.

Mozilla Firefox -

Microsoft Internet Explorer - (or run windows update)

PDF Reader


Your system supports opening PDF documents. You should be able to use the system to open PDF documents (i.e. Completion Certificate).

Potential Issues Found

NOTE: The list below does not mean that you cannot take online training. This is a list of items that could potentially cause an issue while taking our training. If you have questions, please contact us @ 800.680.3789 or

List of potential issues found
  • Javascript is not enabled on your system. Javascript must be enabled to take our online training.
  • Cookies are not enabled on your system. This can cause issues with online training.
  • Your connection speed was unable to be gauged due to javascript being disabled, or the maximum time has expired.
  • XML is blocked on your system. This can cause an issue loading certain content in our online training.
  • AJAX is blocked on your system. This can cause an issue loading certain content in our online training.

Note: This test is used to check your web browser for compatibility with our online training. No personal data is collected. Please read the privacy policy if you have any questions.